Symptoms of Cockayne Syndrome...

 What to look for...

  • Physicians and geneticists look for pinched, narrow face, and beaked noses, small head in proportion to body size, mental retardation, sensitivity to sunlight, short stature, hunched back, tremors, and difficulty walking when diagnosing Cockayne syndrome.

 When this disorder strikes...

  • Type 1 Cockayne syndrome strikes at birth, type 2 after about 1 year old the disorder will set in, and type 3 the disorder will strike later in child hood at 4 or 5.

Symptoms differ with age...

  • Type 1 and 2 and the most sever with the same symptoms and damages, however with type 1 the child may live to be 20-30 years old, most type 2 patients die after 7, and type 3 patients have very mild symptoms and also live longer lives.