How is this Disorder Treated...

 Medical specialists involved...

  • Specialized children’s physicians and geneticist are the most frequently used medical specialist involved in treatment, as well as neurosurgeons

 What specialists contribute...

  • Children’s physicians and neurosurgeons are the most important for treatment of Cockayne syndrome patients, the physicians take care of the general symptoms like the physical damages and prescribe medication. Neurosurgeons study the brain and along with physicians can figure out therapys and further treatment for patients, however there is no specific treatment for cockayne syndrome because every patient is treated based on their individual symptoms. Geneticist really are involved in studying which genes are affected causing the disorder, and are more involved in the parents who hope to have a child and figuring out whether or not Cockayne syndrome will be passed onto their child.

 Special equipment used...

  • There is no specialized treatment for patients other than therapy and medication to ease the pain of symptoms based on individual’s severity.